Update Regarding Posting and Use of Driver Examination Forms

NRCME Documentation


The Medical Examiner's Certification Integration final rule requires certified Medical Examiners (MEs) to continue using the current driver examination forms found on the FMCSA website until December 22, 2015 and to use the newly revised driver examination forms discussed in the final rule beginning December 22, 2015.

As a result of the unexpected delays in posting the final versions of the newly revised driver examination forms and recognizing that MEs need to have access to the forms prior to the effective date for a number of reasons, FMCSA will allow MEs to use both the current and newly revised versions of the Medical Examination Report Form and Medical Examiner's Certificate from December 22, 2015 until April 20, 2016. The Agency has published a Federal Register notice announcing this guidance which is accessible by clicking the link below.

Federal Register Notice Use of Driver Examination Forms

Both the current and newly revised versions of the driver examination forms are available on the FMCSA website. In addition, the final versions of the newly revised driver examination forms have been posted in the Resource Center of the National Registry website and are accessible by clicking on the links below.

Medical Examination Report (MER) Form, MCSA-5875

Medical Examiner's Certificate (MEC), Form MCSA-5876

A sample CMV Driver Medical Examination Results Form, MCSA-5850 has been posted in the Resource Center of the National Registry website and is accessible by clicking on the link below. Because the CMV Driver Medical Examination Results Form, MCSA-5850 is an electronic form and only available through the ME's National Registry account, the sample is a representation of what MEs will see when entering CMV driver examination results into the National Registry system. MEs are required to continue to report CMV driver medical examination results by accessing their National Registry accounts and completing the MCSA-5850 online.

CMV Driver Medical Examination Results Form, MCSA-5850 (Sample)

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